Five relaxing and stretching yoga poses & their benefits
I had my first proper yoga lesson in Bali in 2016. Since then I’ve attended many different classes around the world and practiced yoga at home. During the past few years I’ve found a few poses that help me to center and connect with myself. To be present in the moment without any interruptions from […]
Three things you should not do during quarantine
After I came back from London end of 2020 I had to quarantine for ten days, as Germany declared the UK as risk country. So I came up with the idea of writing about things you should NOT do during quarantine. And if you read til the end, I’ll tell you how I spent my […]
4 eco-friendly and useful Christmas gift ideas
Christmas is around the corner. If you’re still worrying about what to get for your loved ones, you should have a look at this blogpost. I show you four eco-friendly and useful Christmas gift ideas. And in case it’s already too late for Christmas: They’re also great for other seasons or occasions.
Travel to the UK from Germany, December 2020
Is it still possible to travel to the UK from Germany? Do I need to make a Covid test? What are the entry restrictions? Do I have to quarantine? Is there a lockdown? Are restaurants, pubs and museums open? Many questions and it’s not always easy to find an answer these days as regulations change […]
How to find the right hostel
As probably many of us, I’m eagerly waiting to leave the country and start backpacking again. Deep inside I know though, that it might take quite a while til the world becomes “normal” again (which makes me wonder if the way we lived can even be described as “normal”, but that’s another story). However, there’s […]
Vegan power bowl recipe
I love food. And I especially love healthy & nutritious food that doesn’t include animal products. One example: The so called “vegan power bowl”. I know, a very ingenious name. What’s more important though is, that it is very easy to make and it gives you both vitamins and proteins. So, here’s the recipe.
The best alternative to bum-guns
Have you ever travelled to (Southeast)-Asia? And have you ever experienced benefits of a so called “bum-gun”? If yes, this article is perfect for you. If no, this article might change your life. Unfortunately, in many Western countries we don’t even know about this wonderful thing called bum-gun. I discovered and tried a great alternative […]
3 things I always do when I visit a city
When I explored new cities I used to make a “To see-List”. The downside: Instead of having some relaxing days, I rather ended up doing a stressful hunt for sights. Ticking them off didn’t give me any pleasure so I changed my routine – and found three things I do each time I visit a […]
Five ways to meet people while traveling alone
I love traveling alone. One main reason is that I meet people from all over the world – I get to hear their stories, learn about their culture, broaden my horizon and make new connections (some of them last for years). In most of the cases I didn’t just bump into my new traveller friends […]
30 day challenge – birthday gift DIY
When it comes to birthday gifts I personally prefer giving and receiving something mostly non-material: having food, spending time together or… giving 30 paper cards. Each card comes with a challenge – 30 of them. The good thing is that you can include all of the things I just mentioned and also come up with […]