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Hi! I'm Linda

I’m a creative mind, world explorer and content creator with German roots. After working remotely and traveling around with my remote workspace for three years, I decided to quit my job end of 2022. I’m currently on a different journey which is about exploring different places around the world, learning new things and engaging in volunteer projects. 

With placesoflinda I’m taking you along this journey. My aim is to inspire you and to share useful travel advice

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Hard facts

I’m originally from Germany, born in 1995 and have a Master’s degree in business and project management. From 2019 to the end of 2022, I’ve worked remotely for a German IT company. The remote job allowed me to work from different countries around the world: Thailand, UK, Spain and Italy. I really enjoyed the flexibility of this lifestyle and therefore haven’t had an apartment or big possessions since I left uni.

In 2022 I decided to stop working remotely and fully dedicate my time to the countries I’m visiting. I want to learn new things, engage in volunteer projects and while I’m doing this: grow as a person. Since finishing my education there has always been a next step. I’m ready to not live by a daily schedule anymore, to be open to jump for opportunities. All this without a given time limit.

Soft facts

I love variety in life. Not knowing where I’m gonna be next month, moving on or staying somewhere when I feel like it. I like working for a proper company, but trying different things at the same time: this blog, volunteering, getting to know new cultures while travelling, designing websites, doing video- and photography. 

Variety makes me flourish. With all I do I try to be conscious about planet earth. I like to own less, less material things and focus on things that enrich my life and make me grow.


…is about the places I visited and the experiences I made along my journey. A diverse journey – with ups and downs and everything that is part of life. I want to give you inspiration and advice based on the experiences I made and places I’ve seen. My aim is to make the most out of every day on this planet. And this blog is like a diary. It’s my platform to be creative, to create something I have on my mind and put it into reality. All pictures you see and the whole website itself was created by me

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